1.   Demonstrators hurled abuse at councillors as they entered the council building in Glasgow.

2.   Demonstrators were hurling bricks through the windows.

3.   The demonstrators were hurling rocks but the police stayed out of range.

4.   As a sign of their anger, demonstrators recently hurled soybeans at the ministry, adopting a ritual usually carried out at home to drive out devils.

5.   But many demonstrators hurled firebombs and rocks, smashing windows, burning out shops and banks and wreaking havoc in the heart of downtown Athens.

6.   Demonstrators hurled the cannisters back at the police, some of whom retreated into the government building, only to flee later after the building was overrun by protesters.

7.   Demonstrators hurled water bottles and candles at the police.

8.   While waiting to enter the area designated for protests, demonstrators hurled bottles and other objects at police.

9.   Palestinian demonstrators hurled stones and bottles Saturday at Israeli troops, who fired back with rubber bullets, injuring seven protesters.

10.   Police charged the group twice and snatched several people as the demonstrators hurled stones and beverage cans and swung wooden poles torn from circular fences around sidewalk saplings.

n. + hurl >>共 196
protester 9.72%
demonstrator 6.22%
assailant 5.35%
youth 4.59%
attacker 3.93%
hundred 3.71%
student 3.28%
man 3.17%
militant 3.17%
fan 2.73%
demonstrator + v. >>共 528
be 4.34%
throw 3.92%
say 3.34%
burn 3.08%
march 2.83%
protest 2.58%
demand 2.52%
try 2.02%
gather 1.99%
block 1.96%
hurl 1.60%
每页显示:    共 57