1.   Attorney General Janet Reno had patiently negotiated with the relatives for five months, even going personally to Miami at one point to demonstrate her sincerity.

2.   Jews should enter into a dialogue with Farrakhan when he renounces anti-Semitism and demonstrates his sincerity by cutting out the slurs and enforcing rhetorical discipline among his disciples.

3.   Meanwhile, the commissioner has plenty of opportunities to demonstrate his sincerity in attempting to respond to community complaints about the police.

4.   To demonstrate their sincerity, they held an emotional foot-washing ceremony, with members of each race bathing the other.

5.   A U.S. diplomat has called on the Kenyan government to register the opposition Safina party to demonstrate its sincerity in carrying out constitutional reforms, news reports said Monday.

6.   He also instructed a handful of rebels to surrender to Turkey, a move he said demonstrated his sincerity toward peace.

7.   However, Shea said Yugoslav President would have to demonstrate his sincerity in agreeing peace terms by pulling out his troops before the NATO air campaign ends.

8.   The Serb authorities are apparently hoping the gesture will demonstrate sincerity on their part and ethnic Albanian obstructionism.

9.   It is they who must demonstrate their sincerity by ensuring the basic rights to all their citizens.

v. + sincerity >>共 45
question 19.46%
doubt 18.79%
prove 10.74%
show 7.38%
demonstrate 6.04%
test 4.03%
lack 2.68%
bring 1.34%
exude 1.34%
judge 1.34%
demonstrate + n. >>共 844
ability 3.80%
commitment 3.36%
support 2.85%
need 2.41%
willingness 2.31%
skill 1.70%
technique 1.36%
importance 1.19%
power 1.19%
leadership 1.02%
sincerity 0.31%
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