1.   To summarise the exposition so far, a fiduciary cannot exclude liability for fraud, deliberate breach of duty and possibly gross negligence.

2.   The court will be disclined to construe a clause as excluding liability for deliberate breaches of contract or so as to defeat the whole object of the contract.

3.   They have instead pointed to an error, a misunderstanding, or a deliberate breach of flight instructions by the Kazak pilot as the probable cause of the crash.

4.   Police said the incident was not a deliberate breach of security.

a. + breach >>共 162
serious 10.36%
alleged 8.25%
grave 5.07%
possible 4.65%
major 3.59%
clear 3.17%
criminal 2.96%
fundamental 2.33%
ethical 1.90%
such 1.69%
deliberate 0.85%
deliberate + n. >>共 372
attempt 7.75%
attack 7.15%
effort 3.42%
act 3.22%
policy 3.12%
strategy 2.01%
provocation 1.61%
choice 1.61%
pace 1.61%
campaign 1.51%
breach 0.40%
每页显示:    共 4