1.   The vital key here is the delete key on the keyboard.

2.   And technology allows the sender to determine whether the delete key was punched before the e-mail was called up.

3.   According to James Rosenbaum, a district judge in Minnesota, when you press the delete key, you intend to obliterate the information concerned.

4.   After all, when it comes to computer cults, de-programming is as easy as hitting the delete key.

5.   In fact, hitting the delete key simply moves a file to the recycle bin on a Windows PC.

6.   In response, Democrats waited itchy-fingered at the delete key.

7.   Just read the headers and press the delete key and forget it.

8.   Many readers might well have hit the delete key right then.

9.   Never has a delete key generated such drama.

10.   No delete key can do it for you.

n. + key >>共 207
car 25.96%
arrow 8.08%
house 5.03%
ignition 4.50%
room 3.97%
function 2.91%
encryption 2.78%
computer 2.38%
delete 1.99%
typewriter 1.46%
delete + n. >>共 8
key 46.88%
button 34.38%
basket 3.13%
information 3.13%
item 3.13%
message 3.13%
option 3.13%
para 3.13%
每页显示:    共 15