1.   Schweiker changed not a single convention delegate vote.

2.   As a result, Larocca did not win enough delegate votes at the state Democratic Convention to get an automatic spot on the primary ballot.

3.   But it is not clear whether the Buchanan forces have the necessary delegate votes yet.

4.   Henceforth, a simple majority of delegate votes was enough to choose the nominees in both parties.

5.   The language was submitted by U.S. Rep. Tony Hall, an Ohio Democrat who is scheduled to address the convention shortly before delegates vote on the platform.

6.   They spurned offers to buy delegate votes with lavish gifts, money, cars and other bribery.

7.   To this end, Norton has consistently raised the debate over the delegate vote.

8.   Buchanan himself dismissed the uproar in California earlier in the day, saying what mattered is his showing with delegate votes.

9.   If the field fails to thin out and Buchanan, Alexander or others continue to pile up delegate votes, there could be a convention showdown.

10.   Lin Yang-kang, a party vice chairman, says he will drop out of the race if the congress goes for a delegate vote.

n. + vote >>共 578
confidence 8.82%
voice 8.26%
no-confidence 7.99%
majority 7.97%
floor 3.29%
shareholder 3.12%
impeachment 2.83%
committee 2.49%
swing 2.43%
first-place 1.74%
delegate 0.20%
delegate + n. >>共 80
count 8.59%
selection 6.75%
vote 6.75%
slate 5.52%
prize 3.07%
support 3.07%
conference 3.07%
race 2.45%
rule 2.45%
survey 2.45%
每页显示:    共 11