1.   Especially on liberal initiatives, they face defections by moderates, as well as Republican delaying tactics.

2.   Instead of introducing immediate legislation, the Home Office responded with time-honoured delaying tactics.

3.   Now, can we cut out the delaying tactics and get on with it?

4.   Republicans accuse Democrats of using delaying tactics to prevent a final vote on the bill.

5.   Some politicians are prepared to use delaying tactics to block the bill.

6.   Such concessions as they made were mere delaying tactics.

7.   The Kremlin has consistently opposed their return, invoking security problems and resorting to delaying tactics.

8.   The organization blamed delaying tactics by Prime Minister John Major for its Decision to end the cease-fire.

9.   The peace negotiations were being held up by the delaying tactics of France and Great Britain.

10.   Voynet was exasperated by the delaying tactics of certain councils.

a. + tactics >>共 580
scare 4.47%
strong-arm 3.50%
aggressive 3.45%
delaying 3.37%
new 3.19%
similar 3.01%
military 2.92%
same 2.30%
sales 2.26%
heavy-handed 2.17%
delaying + n. >>共 57
tactics 38.58%
tactic 22.84%
action 5.08%
payment 2.03%
factor 1.52%
plan 1.52%
treatment 1.52%
election 1.02%
completion 1.02%
order 1.02%
每页显示:    共 76