1.   And the trade deficit means that American children will have to pay back the loans their parents are taking out today.

2.   A current account deficit means there is more demand for foreign currencies to pay for imports than there is demand for the ringgit to buy Malaysian exports.

3.   A bigger deficit means increased inflation, already in double digits for each month of the last quarter.

4.   A current account deficit means the country is importing more goods and services, as well as short-term financial flows, than it exports.

5.   A narrowing deficit means foreign exporters will have fewer Australian dollars to sell for other currencies when bringing profits home.

6.   A high deficit means more government borrowing, draining available capital from the private sector.

7.   A higher current account deficit means overseas companies have more of the currency they need in order buy goods from, or invest in, the home country.

8.   A smaller deficit means the government will have to sell fewer bonds, making Treasury securities scarcer and more valuable.

9.   A rising deficit means foreign companies will have to convert more dollars into foreign currencies to repatriate profits.

10.   A smaller deficit means foreign exporters will have fewer dollars to sell for other currencies when bringing profits home.

n. + mean >>共 1384
decision 1.81%
change 1.50%
result 1.44%
ruling 1.30%
move 1.19%
word 1.08%
victory 0.98%
game 0.96%
name 0.85%
number 0.84%
deficit 0.20%
deficit + v. >>共 225
be 28.66%
grow 3.47%
widen 3.26%
narrow 3.04%
continue 2.55%
shrink 2.12%
mean 1.77%
balloon 1.63%
have 1.56%
come 1.56%
每页显示:    共 25