1.   Defensive tackles Anthony McFarland from Louisiana State University and Reggie McGrew from the University of Florida may still be available when Dallas makes its selection.

2.   Defensive tackles Chad Hennings and Leon Lett will get their first game contact of the summer when the club scrimmages against the Houston Oilers tonight.

3.   Defensive tackle Eric Swann, also recovering from knee surgery, will remain on crutches for at least another month.

4.   Defensive tackles Gary Walker and Seth Payne -- both from Jacksonville -- will start immediately.

5.   Drew Yellen, now a Northridge clinical and sports psychologist, was a defensive tackle on that team.

6.   He had always wanted to be a defensive tackle first, a disk jockey second, and if nothing else, music can now emerge as his vocation.

7.   He had been penciled in as the starting right defensive tackle.

8.   No defensive tackle Chad Hennings?

9.   No defensive tackle Leon Lett?

10.   Steve Hutchinson, a freshman guard, was listed as a defensive tackle as a red-shirt last year.

n. + tackle >>共 294
government 5.63%
defensive 2.65%
team 2.15%
nose 1.99%
company 1.99%
leader 1.99%
negotiator 1.99%
offensive 1.49%
country 1.32%
passenger 1.32%
defensive + v. >>共 25
back 25.00%
end 23.96%
tackle 16.67%
play 7.29%
line 3.13%
coach 2.08%
fall 2.08%
rebound 2.08%
be 1.04%
call 1.04%
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