1.   This section has the effect of imposing a form of strict liabilty on the employer for defective equipment.

2.   This relieves the employee of the need to identify and sue the manufacturer of the defective equipment.

3.   In all other instances, cities and counties could still sue for defective equipment and any resulting injury or death.

4.   Micro Center, Computer City and CompUSA offer good deals, have repair shops on site and take back defective equipment.

5.   No one knows how many receiver owners with defective equipment have ignored or missed warnings to prepare for the rollover.

6.   Norfolk and Western argued that the misaligned drawbar did not result from defective equipment.

7.   Other causes are defective equipment or using a ladder not designed for the job.

8.   Such changes would limit the amount of money people could collect from suing health care providers and manufacturers for defective equipment.

9.   The agency also found no evidence of defective equipment at the Bedford plant.

a. + equipment >>共 649
military 6.95%
new 6.11%
medical 5.38%
heavy 4.32%
electronic 3.15%
electrical 2.46%
standard 1.95%
sophisticated 1.68%
special 1.22%
modern 1.19%
defective 0.16%
defective + n. >>共 253
product 12.11%
gene 10.83%
part 6.70%
tire 2.99%
equipment 2.28%
design 1.57%
goods 1.42%
copy 1.28%
brake 1.28%
one 1.14%
每页显示:    共 16