1.   Everyone was pushed back into his default position.

2.   It was what we would now call the default position, and few even thought they had any right to complain about it.

3.   Since the majority of those notices are ignored by customers, the default position, which allows information sharing here and in most states, dominates.

4.   So for political and substantive economic reasons, the default position of reducing the debt is attractive.

5.   That default position relies directly upon the original grant and effectively jettisons the tax referral order. . . .

6.   The default position is to feed.

7.   The problem is that this only makes sense if the return to equilibrium is the natural default position.

n. + position >>共 993
rebel 6.51%
pole 5.31%
government 4.95%
army 3.82%
leadership 3.71%
guerrilla 3.60%
field 2.58%
market 2.18%
management 2.15%
dollar 1.80%
default 0.11%
default + n. >>共 121
rate 16.80%
setting 8.01%
risk 6.72%
judgment 5.43%
directory 4.91%
value 3.10%
notice 3.10%
browser 2.33%
position 1.81%
filename 1.81%
每页显示:    共 7