1.   A plaintiff once brought a defamation action over the allegation that he was a highwaym.

2.   Few defamation actions end so satisfactorily for the defence.

3.   The possibility of a defamation action .

4.   Samak threatened Wednesday to file a defamation action against an assembly leader who accused him of deliberately trying to hurt the protesters with his car.

5.   Scotland soccer manager Craig Brown on Wednesday launched a defamation action against the News of the World newspaper over allegations that he is a religious bigot.

6.   The ASF had previously refused to release details of the Stewart Report for fear of defamation actions.

7.   The defamation action is continuing and is expected to go before a jury on a date yet to be set.

8.   The defamation action says the article claims that Carrey had sexually harassed Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Tilley, Drew Barrymore and Courtney Love.

9.   Since then, however, she has had an uneasy relationship with most newspapers and has filed criminal defamation action against at least two of them.

10.   The ASF received the report from retired Supreme Court judge Donald Stewart three weeks ago but declined to make it public on legal advice fearing defamation action.

n. + action >>共 644
court 12.78%
government 10.86%
strike 9.37%
enforcement 5.37%
protest 3.60%
libel 1.97%
labor 1.94%
floor 1.37%
committee 1.17%
year 1.11%
defamation 0.31%
defamation + n. >>共 23
suit 33.44%
case 16.39%
lawsuit 15.08%
charge 8.85%
trial 7.87%
action 3.61%
claim 2.62%
law 2.62%
complaint 1.97%
campaign 1.31%
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