1.   Salmon also took shots at President Clinton for his deepening legal woes, suggesting that Clinton and Gingrich both step down for the good of the nation.

2.   But his expected ascension to power is overshadowed by deepening economic woes.

3.   Deepening economic woes and diplomatic stalemates may force North Korean leader Kim Jong Il to delay plans to assume full power, a South Korean government report said Monday.

4.   In another sign of deepening economic woes, the South Korean won broke six-year record lows against the U.S. dollar for the fourth straight day Thursday.

5.   The announcement reflected deepening financial woes at the company, which was struggling to survive tumbling chip prices on the international markets.

6.   The announcement reflected deepening financial woes at the company, which is struggling to survive amid tumbling chip prices on the international markets.

7.   The pullout has focused attention on a deepening woes of the armed forces, which has too many men and not enough money.

8.   The riots were the latest in a series over deepening economic woes.

9.   The Russian pullout has focused attention on the deepening woes in its armed forces, which is desperately short of resources.

10.   The watchdog Central Election Management Committee attributed the voter apathy to deepening economic woes that have eclipsed political issues.

a. + woe >>共 202
economic 31.88%
financial 15.46%
current 3.61%
legal 2.94%
offensive 2.47%
asian 1.80%
recent 1.71%
shooting 1.61%
marital 1.52%
similar 1.52%
deepening 1.14%
deepening + n. >>共 170
crisis 21.25%
concern 4.21%
recession 4.03%
problem 3.48%
poverty 2.75%
trouble 2.20%
tie 2.20%
woe 2.20%
rift 2.01%
division 2.01%
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