1.   Secondly, because of their position in the family economy, deepening poverty has a particular significance for women.

2.   Deepening urban poverty worsens racial tensions and threatens the fiscal future of the cities.

3.   In both places, people are watching with ambivalence and anxiety as political and economic changes are sometimes accompanied by corruption, crime and deepening poverty.

4.   Many blame the policies for deepening poverty and driving people away from the PRI, which no longer controls the Congress nor all state governorships.

5.   Now, amid the deepening poverty, the city is also being visited by the deadly plague of drugs and AIDS.

6.   Now, amid the deepening poverty, the city is being visited by the deadly plague of drugs and AIDS.

7.   The liberation Africa needs today is from deepening poverty, corrupt governments, shameful neglect by Western aid givers and the skittishness of foreign investors.

8.   Others are traumatized by the deepening poverty, hunger and dislocations of war.

9.   But a glance at idle towns, spartan shops and empty roads tells a story of deepening poverty.

10.   But his approval rating has fallen sharply in recent months due to discontent over deepening poverty and his authoritarian leadership.

a. + poverty >>共 309
extreme 8.65%
widespread 6.96%
abject 5.13%
rural 4.40%
grinding 4.25%
urban 2.64%
global 2.57%
dire 2.13%
combat 1.98%
desperate 1.76%
deepening 1.10%
deepening + n. >>共 170
crisis 21.25%
concern 4.21%
recession 4.03%
problem 3.48%
poverty 2.75%
trouble 2.20%
tie 2.20%
woe 2.20%
rift 2.01%
division 2.01%
每页显示:    共 15