1.   And that party is facing deepening divisions over whom Democrats should represent and what their philosophy should be.

2.   And we accept the deepening racial division, the characteristic gloating and gloom as blacks and whites retreat to their separate worlds.

3.   As the siege dragged on, there were signs of deepening division among the Taliban in Kunduz.

4.   Rao had been criticized for failing to fill vacancies for fear of antagonizing disappointed hopefuls and deepening divisions within his party.

5.   Filipinos celebrate a decade of democracy Sunday, marking the overthrow of the late President Ferdinand Marcos with deepening divisions instead of unity and protests instead of joy.

6.   President Hosni Mubarak and the former emir of Qatar held talks with a Bahraini official Wednesday in meetings suggesting deepening divisions in the Gulf.

7.   Rao has been criticized for failing to fill the vacancies for fear of antagonizing disappointed hopefuls and deepening divisions within his party.

8.   The paper had reported about deepening divisions between supporters of the central region governor Uladi Mussa and the sacked former deputy minister Iqbal Omar.

9.   We shall become a country with a dying culture and deepening divisions along the lines of race, class, income and language.

10.   His voice hoarse from so many speeches, Gonzalez tried to portray the Popular Party as heartless, cold and bent on deepening divisions between rich and poor.

a. + division >>共 1030
first 15.37%
second 6.48%
new 3.27%
deep 2.86%
third 1.95%
ethnic 1.80%
italian 1.47%
internal 1.47%
french 1.44%
racial 1.33%
deepening 0.15%
deepening + n. >>共 170
crisis 21.25%
concern 4.21%
recession 4.03%
problem 3.48%
poverty 2.75%
trouble 2.20%
tie 2.20%
woe 2.20%
rift 2.01%
division 2.01%
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