1.   Everyone in the convoy breathed a deep sigh of relief.

2.   Jimmy gave a deep sigh and shrugged.

3.   She looked out of the now sparkling window and heaved a deep sigh.

4.   She ran her fingers through the dark mass of her hair and let out a deep sigh.

5.   Tom gave a deep sigh of relief.

6.   With a deep sigh, I left the room and locked it behind me.

7.   There was a crunch, the hot spatter of blood and a deep sigh from the crowd.

8.   The words were gently spoken and the woman pressed her head against his body with a deep sigh.

9.   For a moment she thought he was going to slam the phone down, then she heard him give a deep sigh.

10.   Rachel gave a deep sigh.

a. + sigh >>共 136
collective 15.57%
deep 8.32%
big 5.33%
long 5.33%
heavy 5.12%
huge 4.90%
audible 4.05%
weary 3.84%
little 2.99%
great 2.13%
deep + n. >>共 742
breath 6.38%
cut 3.86%
concern 2.26%
division 2.08%
trouble 1.87%
water 1.79%
discount 1.52%
root 1.50%
recession 1.26%
snow 1.14%
sigh 0.39%
每页显示:    共 39