1.   The principal will take whatever action she deems appropriate in this case.

2.   Accordingly, it is reasonable that pupils be given the opportunity to attain such certification where it is deemed appropriate.

3.   Berardino replied, saying that Andersen understood the gravity of the acts that had occurred and was prepared to take significant disciplinary action against anyone the government deemed appropriate.

4.   Berardino that Andersen was prepared to take significant disciplinary action against anyone the government deemed appropriate.

5.   A football team takes from these bowl forays what it deems appropriate.

6.   A family statement read Wednesday by prosecutor Les Williams did not mention what punishment the Coughlins deemed appropriate.

7.   A number of state legislatures have been attempting to restrict the Internet to only that material which is deemed appropriate for children to view or read.

8.   But as more and more women entered the workplace, a romantic or sexy fragrance was deemed not appropriate for the office, and they wanted more choices.

9.   But because next season they are playing in a new facility, Key Arena at Seattle Center, the Sonics deemed it appropriate to have a fresh look.

10.   Citizens can honor the occasion in whatever way they deem appropriate.

v. + appropriate >>共 9
deem 41.13%
consider 22.70%
think 22.70%
make 6.38%
find 3.55%
believe 1.42%
call 0.71%
hold 0.71%
judge 0.71%
deem + a. >>共 553
necessary 8.12%
appropriate 2.96%
dangerous 1.99%
safe 1.99%
important 1.99%
worthy 1.94%
inappropriate 1.79%
essential 1.68%
illegal 1.58%
responsible 1.33%
每页显示:    共 58