1.   Although many of these transactions and services already occur electronically, they require dedicated lines or prior arrangements.

2.   Bell said it will begin handling users with high-speed dedicated lines, such as ISDNs and MacIntosh computers, later.

3.   All suites contain dual-line phones with computer hookups, high-speed Internet access and fax machines with dedicated lines.

4.   But it has the benefit compared to cable modems that each DSL customer gets a dedicated line instead of sharing capacity with neighbors.

5.   I already have a dedicated line for my computer.

6.   In the past, it used to sell its information to hundreds of thousands, down its dedicated lines.

7.   Small companies gain the benefits of global networking formerly available only to large corporations with dedicated lines linking remote sites.

8.   Telmex stopped providing dedicated lines for Internet and business service to competitors and charges high rates to complete long-distance calls carried by other companies, the competitors said.

9.   The engine is assembled on a dedicated line, albeit a short one, off the main line.

10.   The partnership is offering government and business customers special value-added services, including high-speed dedicated lines that transmit data and link up computers.

a. + line >>共 738
offensive 8.59%
long 7.17%
new 3.95%
defensive 3.51%
blue 2.73%
fine 2.21%
state 2.01%
first 1.86%
straight 1.71%
same 1.44%
dedicated 0.07%
dedicated + n. >>共 437
fan 3.04%
teacher 2.15%
staff 1.77%
line 1.77%
people 1.52%
team 1.27%
group 1.27%
following 1.14%
tax 1.01%
telephone 1.01%
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