1.   In addition, the properties will have copiers and a dedicated fax machine and fax line.

2.   There are still bell-pushes in each room to summon a waiter, maid or valet but also dedicated fax and modem lines.

3.   I do a lot of work at home and pay for a dedicated fax line, a dedicated Internet line and a general line.

4.   Meantime, a dedicated fax line has been set up.

a. + fax >>共 159
incoming 6.37%
thermal 3.37%
home 2.25%
anonymous 2.25%
new 1.87%
handwritten 1.87%
free 1.50%
local 1.50%
international 1.50%
dedicated 1.50%
dedicated + n. >>共 437
fan 3.04%
teacher 2.15%
staff 1.77%
line 1.77%
people 1.52%
team 1.27%
group 1.27%
following 1.14%
tax 1.01%
telephone 1.01%
fax 0.51%
每页显示:    共 4