1.   Cem Ozdemir, a Green Party member of Parliament and a German of Turkish origin, said the decision amounted to a historic step.

2.   This is what his decision in the Thomas Grasso case amounts to.

3.   A critic complained the decision amounted to turning the committee into a state agency and was certain to raise brows at the International Olympic Committee.

4.   A critic complained the decision amounted to turning the committee into a state agency and was certain to raise eyebrows at the International Olympic Committee.

5.   But DPP Stanley Augustin said the decision did not amount to an acquittal and he would seek further instructions.

6.   Human rights advocates said the decision amounted to a green light for vigilantes.

7.   The decision would amount to a bittersweet victory for Gusinsky.

8.   Yastrzhembsky refused to say whether the decision amounted to Yeltsin making Chernomyrdin his successor.

9.   The decision amounted to a green light for President Robert Mugabe to continue with his intimidatory election tactics, it said.

10.   The decision amounts to closing the free exchange, which was operating out of the control of the central bank because of a shortage of foreign currency sweeping Iran.

n. + amount >>共 512
action 2.31%
move 2.11%
statement 1.63%
change 1.63%
plan 1.44%
loss 1.34%
agreement 1.25%
decision 1.06%
law 1.06%
deal 1.06%
decision + v. >>共 470
be 27.27%
come 9.79%
have 4.22%
follow 2.50%
mean 2.10%
make 2.08%
rest 1.29%
affect 1.22%
leave 1.09%
go 1.09%
amount 0.10%
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