1.   Marketable securities are short-term, high-quality debt instruments that can be easily converted into cash.

2.   Both exchanges are looking ahead to increased used of ECU debt instruments as the single European financial space becomes a reality.

3.   And though fixed annuities more closely resemble insurance than do variable annuities, fixed annuities too have significant investment features and are functionally similar to debt instruments.

4.   As a result, companies may have to resort to other traditional forms of raising cash, either by selling bonds or other debt instruments.

5.   Currently, uncertain tax regulations would make it difficult to mix stocks and debt instruments in the same fund, Frost said.

6.   Dollar weakness hurts emerging market debt instruments such as Brady bonds, Eurobonds and global bonds because they are denominated in dollars.

7.   For her, an annuity is like putting money in a bank account, a debt instrument, or a mutual fund.

8.   Foreign investors are excluded, although they may be allowed to buy subsequent debt instruments or shares.

9.   High liquidity means the central bank can offer lower yields for its debt instruments.

10.   If a new debt instrument hardly sounds like the stuff over which bureaucratic wars are fought, check again.

n. + instrument >>共 191
debt 8.87%
string 7.26%
fixed-income 6.25%
investment 3.83%
policy 3.43%
cockpit 2.82%
science 2.62%
navigation 2.42%
income 1.81%
market 1.81%
debt + n. >>共 384
relief 7.78%
payment 7.52%
burden 5.84%
reduction 5.11%
security 4.43%
load 3.91%
limit 3.66%
repayment 3.66%
ceiling 3.64%
problem 3.26%
instrument 0.92%
每页显示:    共 44