1.   He went on to say that he believed women did have an advantage in deal making, because of our social skills.

2.   A spokesman for Fastow declined to comment on the deal making.

3.   Despite the rapid pace of his deal making, Whitacre has become involved in the San Antonio community on a less political scale.

4.   It clearly captures the element of expediency in this election, which turns on scheming, behind-the-scenes deal making and even random accident.

5.   It is the place where women executives for decades could not get a tee-time for all the fairway deal making.

6.   Some say the deal making in journalism is a matter of degrees.

7.   The story of how quickly he launched and sold his Internet startup may serve as a metaphor for the frenetic pace of deal making in the digital world.

8.   There are few such bold predictions about gains for consumers from all the deal making.

9.   Those changes unleashed a torrent of communications deal making in which multi-billion dollar transactions have become common.

10.   Thus the parliamentary vote is only the start of a long struggle for power in which closed-door deal making and money politics will supplant democratic openness.

n. + making >>共 157
decision 30.14%
movie 7.48%
deal 3.27%
policy 2.57%
bomb 2.34%
music 2.34%
film 2.10%
sandwich 1.40%
list 1.17%
rule 1.17%
deal + n. >>共 178
maker 23.62%
work 6.65%
call 5.73%
breaker 3.44%
making 3.21%
came 1.38%
fell 1.38%
works 1.38%
close 1.15%
going 1.15%
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