1.   That dead frog in our driveway grosses me out.

2.   Parks and wildlife officials found a number of dead frogs and sunfish along the Guadalupe, also victims of the ants.

3.   Searching the tissues of dead frogs, biologists on the new study say, they found fungi as the clear cause.

4.   Street vendors around the world sell unwitting tourists realistic plastic pieces that sometimes contain newly dead frogs or lizards.

5.   The remake is like watching your fourth-grade science teacher poke a dead frog with a battery cable.

6.   You might learn a lot about it, but you end up with a dead frog.

a. + frog >>共 165
deformed 6.76%
chinese 3.20%
adult 2.49%
green 2.49%
giant 2.14%
red-legged 2.14%
dead 2.14%
poisonous 2.14%
african 1.78%
live 1.78%
dead + n. >>共 943
man 10.26%
body 7.51%
heat 6.22%
people 2.66%
animal 2.44%
fish 2.38%
soldier 2.34%
child 2.14%
bird 1.64%
woman 1.56%
frog 0.09%
每页显示:    共 6