1.   Elliott does not do much sitting these days.

2.   Koalas spend four hours a day eating and the remainder of the day sitting looking cute in the fork of a tree.

3.   Spend most of your day sitting?

4.   You can spend all day sitting in front of the tube if you want.

n. + sitting >>共 43
court 9.09%
three-day 7.58%
time 7.58%
day 6.06%
portrait 6.06%
body 3.03%
oath 3.03%
spring 3.03%
toilet 3.03%
computer 1.52%
day + n. >>共 1369
job 2.99%
trip 2.26%
time 1.59%
trader 1.51%
hour 1.39%
game 1.36%
people 0.86%
running 0.76%
school 0.68%
work 0.68%
sitting 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4