1.   Leave aside that Lewis is far from alone in attacking academic life these days.

2.   Millard Fuller, one time business entrepreneur, has a different philosophy of life these days.

3.   NAUGHTY greetings cards are a way of life these days.

4.   I think it can be done in a very gentle way erm to empower people in every day life.

5.   And getting enough food no longer meant people had to risk their lives each day.

6.   And the terrifying, terrific truth about adulthood is that you are charting the course of your life every day.

7.   And the language in real life that day was a lot saltier than in the movie.

8.   But they know that they must continue to live their lives every day just as, say, the residents of San Francisco do after an earthquake.

9.   But voters are so content with their financial lives these days that a whole range of familiar GOP themes has been blunted.

10.   Canseco has cooled his jets and is leading a calmer, quieter life these days with a new wife and baby.

n. + life >>共 705
sex 8.22%
night 4.74%
city 4.48%
battery 4.14%
plant 3.42%
prison 2.76%
village 2.47%
college 2.44%
sea 2.18%
work 2.04%
day 1.67%
day + n. >>共 1369
job 2.99%
trip 2.26%
time 1.59%
trader 1.51%
hour 1.39%
game 1.36%
people 0.86%
running 0.76%
school 0.68%
work 0.68%
life 0.50%
每页显示:    共 58