1.   I felt so lazy just lying around on the beach all day.

2.   I find it boring just lying on the beach all day.

3.   Do you know, we sat on that beach all day Thursday, it was really boring, there was nothing to do on Thursday.

4.   Dapron was among those who made it to the beach that day from amphibious landing craft.

5.   Lie around on the beach all day, play a couple of games, go fishing, soak in some rays, build a sandcastle....

6.   My neighbors and I all eventually gravitated to the beach each day.

7.   She noted that she handled the blobs and that their dog ran on the beach that day.

8.   Six or seven of the balls are hidden along the beach each day over a six-month period and people search for them among rocks and debris.

9.   I have to go to work on a beautiful sunny beach every day.

n. + beach >>共 95
tourist 7.73%
city 6.01%
area 4.72%
day 3.86%
shingle 3.86%
island 3.43%
year 3.43%
ocean 3.00%
resort 3.00%
summer 2.58%
day + n. >>共 1369
job 2.99%
trip 2.26%
time 1.59%
trader 1.51%
hour 1.39%
game 1.36%
people 0.86%
running 0.76%
school 0.68%
work 0.68%
beach 0.08%
每页显示:    共 9