1.   As a consequence of the suggestion Laureen Williamson was approached and readily agreed to undertake the daunting task.

2.   Attempting to install Pizazz Convert in Windows, can be a daunting task for the Novice.

3.   But it simply has not measured up to that daunting task.

4.   Few enterprises, it says, could have been faced with such a daunting task.

5.   For any social species whose behaviour is less regular than clockwork, even this ground-clearing goal is a daunting task.

6.   In my opinion the hardest task on the holding is to overcome inertia, to make a start on the daunting task.

7.   It is a daunting task in a crowded, segmented Marketplace where magazines rear up and expire as quickly as fruit flies.

8.   It might seem a daunting task, but in recent years climatologists have begun an intensive study of temperature changes on Earth.

9.   To give a full picture of this past is a daunting task, not within the scope of this book.

10.   They were faced with the daunting task of restoring the house.

a. + task >>共 890
difficult 8.42%
daunting 6.34%
easy 6.14%
simple 2.53%
first 2.47%
main 2.40%
impossible 2.14%
tough 2.08%
formidable 1.56%
specific 1.33%
daunting + n. >>共 255
task 36.91%
challenge 13.73%
prospect 4.18%
problem 3.36%
obstacle 2.73%
one 1.73%
job 1.18%
odd 1.09%
mission 1.00%
assignment 1.00%
每页显示:    共 404