1.   Microcomputers can not store as much data as the larger computers nor can they process it as quickly.

2.   Procedures Section.

3.   The second major section of the research report details,with as much data as possible, exactly how the study was carried out.

4.   The perception of the consumer world of a possible closure of the Gulf was based on the same data as those underlying the Saudi analysis.

5.   Data abstraction builds a wall between the user of some data and the representation of the data using the operations on the data as the interface.

6.   Presentation of the data as a frequency distribution, however, is not very useful for this inequality issue, and other measures have proved more popular.

7.   This paper examines the role of archives of machine-readable data as a resource for research and as a source of teaching material.

8.   EC and Scottish Office regulations and public access to information requirements will ensure the short run retention of data as will potential legal and contractual disputes.

9.   The display treats the data as a matrix, with clones as rows and probes as columns.

10.   Although she was analyzing your handwriting, she was looking at you and trying to gather as much data as possible.

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job 1.33%
year 1.24%
role 1.18%
reputation 1.11%
time 0.99%
day 0.87%
career 0.86%
official 0.65%
thing 0.63%
work 0.61%
datum 0.05%
datum + p. >>共 66
on 25.66%
from 20.65%
for 11.57%
in 6.96%
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about 5.14%
into 2.14%
with 2.11%
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