1.   Database technology does not provide a completely satisfactory solution to this problem.

2.   A number of reports define a common set of standards for database systems and also feature an analysis of DBMS and distributed database technology.

3.   It is also assumed that the reader is familiar with relational database technology and the concepts and terminology therein.

4.   Companies with fewer resources might turn to content managers that use database technology without requiring database expertise.

5.   Computer Associates International Inc. and Fujitsu Ltd. said they formed an alliance to develop advanced database software technology.

6.   Database technologies plus the Internet can bring buyers and sellers together in ways never before possible.

7.   It combines networking and database technology, rather than being a simple stand-alone piece of software.

8.   Junglee provides Web-based database technology that can help shoppers find products on the Internet.

9.   The company provides the database technology, and employees use it to find the information they need.

10.   Today, Oracle is given high marks for its database technology.

n. + technology >>共 1120
information 15.44%
computer 8.17%
missile 6.61%
communication 2.92%
encryption 2.21%
satellite 1.91%
weapon 1.78%
space 1.05%
recognition 0.94%
defense 0.94%
database 0.23%
database + n. >>共 148
software 12.99%
system 6.91%
company 6.09%
program 5.59%
administrator 3.45%
file 3.45%
management 2.63%
market 2.63%
search 2.30%
technology 2.14%
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