1.   Depending on the market, these could include weekly newspapers, specialized advertising publications and such marketing services as distribution, direct marketing and database marketing.

2.   For business travelers, database marketing gives hotels the ability to better meet their needs.

3.   Hallmark will be more vigorous with database marketing.

4.   However, database marketing represents a quantum leap from the old days as literally thousands of guest profiles can be computerized and called up with just a few keystrokes.

5.   Many proponents of database marketing say they are building new systems to overcome their temporary setbacks, with more ways to collect and link data about users.

6.   The devotees of database marketing remain insistently loyal to their work in progress.

7.   Bayan Caller ID will also aid database marketing as calls can be reviewed, logged down and added to the existing customers database.

8.   Besides advertising, the group has subsidiaries dealing in public relations, direct marketing, database marketing and design.

9.   Suttama Setchaibodi and Natajack Prayurasiddhi, with experience in teleservices and database marketing from Direct Express, will be the new managing partners of OgilvyOne Connections.

10.   Video Ezy further supports franchisees in operation systems, purchasing support and database marketing.

n. + marketing >>共 173
niche 5.83%
test 4.61%
cigarette 3.88%
ambush 3.64%
tobacco 3.64%
event 3.16%
e-mail 2.67%
database 2.43%
relationship 2.43%
product 2.43%
database + n. >>共 148
software 12.99%
system 6.91%
company 6.09%
program 5.59%
administrator 3.45%
file 3.45%
management 2.63%
market 2.63%
search 2.30%
technology 2.14%
marketing 1.64%
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