1.   A dark colour applied thickly over lighter and brighter ones can be very exciting and dramatic.

2.   Amongst the flowers that turn a very dark colour when pressed are deep red primulas and auriculas, as well as small orchids.

3.   Continue in plain knitting with dark colour.

4.   For the dark contrast colour, use a matt yarn in black, dark green, brown or other dark colour.

5.   It is very light in weight and its dark colour makes it almost invisible once in place.

6.   My favourite was the lightly spiced Cape Malay Rooibos Chai which had a pungent smell and dark colour.

7.   People tend to wear dark colours to work.

8.   The chevron is of silver lace with edging of dark blue facing colour.

a. + colour >>共 320
different 6.94%
bright 6.71%
same 3.53%
full 2.62%
dark 2.05%
new 1.93%
primary 1.82%
green 1.82%
rich 1.59%
national 1.37%
dark + n. >>共 1380
suit 6.14%
side 4.83%
hair 4.71%
cloud 3.49%
eye 3.02%
glass 2.50%
day 1.95%
matter 1.49%
room 1.41%
corner 1.17%
colour 0.23%
每页显示:    共 18