1.   The prisoners attempted a daring escape.

2.   After his daring escape from jail, Casanova had little choice but to travel.

3.   After she makes a daring escape, she and Freeman join forces to go after the villain.

4.   But before they were tried on that and other charges, McAuley and Quinlivan pulled off a daring escape from Brixton, wounding a prison guard in the process.

5.   But nothing comes close to Orlando Hernandez, the pitcher we glorified for his daring escape from Cuba.

6.   Forced to fight a bear, Squanto survives by singing the beast into submission and then makes a daring escape.

7.   Having made what may have been a daring escape from an oppressive government, though, the Afghans are finding that they are most unwelcome in Britain.

8.   On Monday, four of the seven fugitives involved in the daring daytime escape were captured near Denver, Colo., the authorities said.

9.   Rampal made a daring escape, leaving for Paris and hiding from German officers on the train by riding between the cars or in the restrooms.

10.   Six other Death Row inmates involved in the daring escape attempt surrendered when guards opened fire from watch towers spaced along the prison perimeter.

a. + escape >>共 334
narrow 9.86%
mass 3.90%
lucky 3.90%
daring 3.03%
great 3.03%
possible 2.49%
only 2.49%
emergency 2.38%
dramatic 2.28%
miraculous 2.17%
daring + n. >>共 303
escape 4.95%
rescue 4.42%
move 3.53%
raid 3.36%
attack 3.00%
daylight 1.77%
ambush 1.24%
plan 1.06%
feat 1.06%
act 0.88%
每页显示:    共 28