1.   Have you ever seen a jazz dance rehearsal?

2.   He invited her to view his own dance rehearsal, though usually no one was allowed.

3.   Scheduling the cast members for dance rehearsals, voice lessons and recording sessions was a Herculean task.

4.   These girls work long hours together, and dance rehearsal was a good way to build that bond between us.

n. + rehearsal >>共 52
choir 8.99%
debate 5.62%
dance 4.49%
orchestra 4.49%
day 3.37%
morning 3.37%
last-minute 3.37%
parade 3.37%
tour 3.37%
week 3.37%
dance + n. >>共 426
floor 15.55%
music 5.45%
club 4.65%
company 3.57%
troupe 3.06%
class 2.93%
step 2.42%
studio 1.98%
performance 1.91%
party 1.72%
rehearsal 0.13%
每页显示:    共 4