1.   What do Feel think of the dance craze which is currently dominating the singles charts?

2.   C. The dance craze known as the Garden Pea Waltz.

3.   Each building within the complex features larger-than-life icons of pop culture fads, toys, dance crazes and catchphrases.

4.   Forget about ranking the best hot sauces and dance crazes of the millennium.

5.   He rattled off several other reasons why the home-run trot is a college dance craze.

6.   In the past, some famous dance crazes were triggered by Hollywood or the stage.

7.   KUBE was the first major U.S. station to play the song, setting the stage for a national dance craze.

8.   Since then, the song has sparked a line dance craze that shows no signs of letting up.

9.   People are still twisting, though mainly at wedding receptions that feature other faded dance crazes like the macarena and the electric slide.

10.   A new dance craze has taken off in Israel.

n. + craze >>共 165
dance 5.65%
cigar 3.63%
fitness 3.63%
dot-com 3.23%
reality 2.42%
sport 2.02%
investment 1.61%
technology 1.61%
toy 1.61%
diet 1.21%
dance + n. >>共 426
floor 15.55%
music 5.45%
club 4.65%
company 3.57%
troupe 3.06%
class 2.93%
step 2.42%
studio 1.98%
performance 1.91%
party 1.72%
craze 0.45%
每页显示:    共 14