1.   All unpleasant, especially to a small child, but usually of brief duration and causing no lasting damage.

2.   Squatters broke in and caused damage.

3.   At least one tornado touched down in Irvine, Calif., to the south, ripping out a chain-link fence and causing other minor damage.

4.   Leonel Chavez, head of the department of communicable diseases for Oaxaca state, said the outbreak appeared to be linked to damage caused by the hurricanes.

5.   Still unclear, however, was how much damage the waves caused to the beaches themselves.

6.   The high school, he said, had not been used for months due to damage caused by a previous attacks.

7.   The measure signed into law Monday would toughen penalties on a sliding scale according to damage caused.

8.   They are angry over foreign ownership of mines and environmental damaged caused by mining.

9.   An engine was damaged causing Pacific wide disruptions over the festive season.

10.   The woman, whose name was withheld, has since remained in hospital due to damage caused by a loss of oxygen to her brain.

v. + cause >>共 202
know 14.86%
be 4.05%
damage 2.97%
combine 2.70%
do 2.16%
say 2.16%
use 2.16%
believe 1.89%
include 1.35%
repair 1.35%
damage + v. >>共 45
cause 17.46%
be 4.76%
follow 4.76%
link 3.17%
belong 3.17%
inflict 3.17%
say 3.17%
check 1.59%
claim 1.59%
collapse 1.59%
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