1.   A damp climate can damage buildings.

2.   Its only scourge - heavy lorries - rumbling through its streets, polluting the environment and damaging historic buildings.

3.   Several buildings were damaged by the earthquake.

4.   The barrage plan has been criticized as endangering wildlife habitats and leading to a raised water table within the city, which could damage buildings.

5.   A rise in soil salinity in coastal areas is also expected to damage buildings, as are increased storms and gales.

6.   Its only scourge -- heavy lorries -- rumbling through its streets, polluting the environment and damaging historic buildings.

7.   An earthquake rocked the city, damaging the building to the extent that the owner decided to close.

8.   But the museum closed its doors the day after the Loma Prieta earthquake, which severely damaged the building where the museum was located.

9.   He flew first into Sarajevo, where his first glimpse of the city was an area where nearly every building had been damaged.

10.   His old building was badly damaged from the collapse of the south tower, and employees have not been allowed back.

v. + building >>共 925
enter 5.36%
leave 5.18%
damage 4.45%
destroy 2.90%
evacuate 2.75%
surround 2.22%
own 1.92%
use 1.67%
hit 1.50%
search 1.45%
damage + n. >>共 1108
building 5.74%
car 5.21%
house 4.17%
home 3.08%
vehicle 3.03%
crop 2.36%
relation 2.00%
reputation 1.65%
environment 1.65%
property 1.58%
每页显示:    共 377