1.   I meet every evening with the other members of the team and we keep a daily log of our activities and sightings.

2.   And for earthly use, they are keeping a scrapbook and a daily log of family events to help her enjoy the ones she missed.

3.   Barry Lieberman, a lawyer in Las Vegas who has represented many professional gamblers, advises clients to keep a daily log of all their wagers.

4.   Accorsi has kept a daily log since Young hired him primarily as what NFL people call a salary capologist.

5.   He looks at the cabinets full of photographic plates and daily logs and all the other data that nowadays pass directly from the night sky into the digital ether.

6.   He keeps a daily log and detailed file on each bird, and has gotten to know each one personally.

7.   Her daughters are compiling a scrap book and writing a daily log of events to help fill her in on family activities she has missed.

8.   I record my dosages, like a senior citizen, on a long daily log.

9.   Keeping a daily log, the binger writes down where and when he or she tends to overeat, and what feelings may trigger a binge.

10.   Most newspapers, after an initial reluctance to service a rival medium, now offer nightly schedule grids and columns of daily logs and highlights.

a. + log >>共 248
daily 3.52%
floating 2.86%
fallen 2.42%
old 2.42%
illegal 2.20%
huge 1.98%
oak 1.54%
detailed 1.54%
large 1.54%
big 1.54%
daily + n. >>共 893
newspaper 8.47%
life 7.99%
basis 4.44%
routine 2.71%
protest 2.45%
flight 1.99%
report 1.12%
occurrence 1.09%
operation 1.05%
demonstration 1.00%
log 0.13%
每页显示:    共 16