1.   As a reporter, she hated the churning of daily journalism, each story as disposable as a wet tissue.

2.   Besides being immature and arrogant, I did not yet understand the virtues and rewards of daily journalism.

3.   After a lifetime in daily journalism, I still worry when real news is treated as no news at all.

4.   But Coffey clearly got many of his old colleagues, some now removed from the daily journalism wars, to relax and open up.

5.   But supporters of alternative papers are just as irreverent about the business of daily newspapers as their columnists are about daily journalism.

6.   Columns are the great junk-drawer of daily journalism.

7.   Daily journalism is a cyclical business, as every publisher knows, and many local factors affect circulation figures and advertising revenue.

8.   First the press corps, through the work of daily journalism, televised newscasts, and hagiographic books, elevated the presidency into a kind of secular papacy.

9.   For the sake of the concision of daily journalism, he is granted four feelings about becoming famous.

10.   I actually know people who commit daily journalism in Georgia.

a. + journalism >>共 212
american 7.04%
investigative 5.84%
broadcast 5.24%
public 4.04%
good 4.04%
print 3.44%
civic 2.69%
serious 2.40%
daily 2.25%
political 2.25%
daily + n. >>共 893
newspaper 8.47%
life 7.99%
basis 4.44%
routine 2.71%
protest 2.45%
flight 1.99%
report 1.12%
occurrence 1.09%
operation 1.05%
demonstration 1.00%
journalism 0.12%
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