1.   And another is that psychologists and assorted experts on bullying come out of the woodwork with advice on helping youngsters cope with the daily humiliation of being picked on.

2.   But the destruction of hundreds of houses, the innumerable roadblocks and daily Palestinian humiliation aimed largely at protecting the settlements are counterproductive.

3.   Director Tamara Jenkins re-creates the daily humiliations of adolescence with wince-inducing accuracy.

4.   She re-creates the daily humiliations of adolescence with wince-inducing accuracy.

5.   Stuck crudely in the first grade, Aristula Shocas vividly recalls the daily humiliations.

6.   The generation forced to live with the daily humiliations of segregation and the greater dangers of the Ku Klux Klan and its ilk.

7.   The Israeli government should be compassionate at checkpoints and border crossings, sparing innocent Palestinians daily humiliation.

8.   They despair of ever seeing an end to the daily humiliations of Israeli occupation.

9.   And Palestinians say the system has turned the task of going to work or school into a daily humiliation that fuels even more bitter resentment.

a. + humiliation >>共 148
public 23.57%
further 5.00%
final 4.76%
national 3.33%
ultimate 2.38%
personal 2.14%
daily 2.14%
complete 1.90%
political 1.90%
total 1.90%
daily + n. >>共 893
newspaper 8.47%
life 7.99%
basis 4.44%
routine 2.71%
protest 2.45%
flight 1.99%
report 1.12%
occurrence 1.09%
operation 1.05%
demonstration 1.00%
humiliation 0.07%
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