1.   Monthly rate changes for consumers do not keep up with the daily fluctuations in wholesale prices, which means that customers cannot play their proper role in the market.

2.   The huge daily fluctuations in water flow were eroding the river channel and sandbars, making rafting difficult.

3.   The Washington Star tracked daily fluctuations in the betting action on the Senate trial.

4.   Their retirement-plan statements, and not the daily fluctuations of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, are the key.

5.   In recent years, the government has set a band for daily fluctuations and buys and sells its reserves to keep it within that corridor.

6.   The institute said there were daily fluctuations in measurements of sulfur dioxide gas emitted by the volcano but that these were still above normal levels.

7.   The study, published in Chronobiology International, found that both blood pressure and its daily fluctuations were unusually low -- both key markers of good health.

8.   He said this illustrated the government decision to allow wider daily fluctuations in the dong had achieved its purpose of closing the gap between official and black market rates.

9.   It also represents two-thirds of all pension funds, providing a steady, solid base to the stock market shielded from daily fluctuations.

10.   No daily permissible fluctuation band will be placed on the won-yen exchange rate, ministry officials said.

a. + fluctuation >>共 145
wild 9.39%
sharp 7.36%
wide 5.84%
recent 4.31%
seasonal 3.55%
short-term 3.05%
daily 2.79%
normal 2.54%
economic 2.03%
natural 1.78%
daily + n. >>共 893
newspaper 8.47%
life 7.99%
basis 4.44%
routine 2.71%
protest 2.45%
flight 1.99%
report 1.12%
occurrence 1.09%
operation 1.05%
demonstration 1.00%
fluctuation 0.09%
每页显示:    共 11