1.   If Clinton wants to salvage any credibility on rights, he needs to modify that cynical message at once.

2.   I think culturally what happens is that we pour stuff out into the culture, we put out a cynical message, and the public reacts cynically.

3.   Mazor says that even if we present a positive romantic model, we still need to counter the cynical messages our children get elsewhere.

4.   The movie sends a cynical message about how rare it is to find honesty in politics.

5.   Voluptuously romantic make-out music is rarely taken seriously unless there is a cynical message buried inside it.

a. + message >>共 1423
same 4.01%
mixed 3.07%
clear 2.72%
wrong 2.55%
similar 2.33%
strong 2.11%
political 1.96%
recorded 1.71%
electronic 1.66%
coded 1.46%
cynical 0.07%
cynical + n. >>共 328
view 4.79%
ploy 3.01%
public 1.77%
age 1.42%
attempt 1.42%
manipulation 1.42%
calculation 1.24%
journalist 1.24%
attitude 1.06%
smile 1.06%
message 0.89%
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