1.   As a cynical attempt to manipulate the electorate and the media, it was unsurpassed.

2.   Advocates of tougher campaign finance disclosure laws called the measure a cynical attempt to punch holes in a reform bill that took Congress seven years to pass.

3.   But some say this temporary mass abdication is starting to look suspiciously like a cynical attempt to stall a corruption investigation.

4.   Some anti-sweatshop activists call them cynical attempts to prevent real reform, while many corporations view them as liberal meddling in the boardroom.

5.   This is either a cruel delusion, or a cynical attempt at spin control.

6.   Small received a yellow card caution for his cynical attempt.

7.   But Rangel dismissed this contention as a cynical attempt to escape responsibility.

8.   The National Front said Wednesday the programme was a cynical attempt to damage Le Pen.

a. + attempt >>共 1080
first 7.02%
previous 4.78%
failed 4.33%
second 3.94%
unsuccessful 3.11%
apparent 3.03%
repeated 2.94%
latest 2.11%
earlier 1.94%
desperate 1.87%
cynical 0.10%
cynical + n. >>共 328
view 4.79%
ploy 3.01%
public 1.77%
age 1.42%
attempt 1.42%
manipulation 1.42%
calculation 1.24%
journalist 1.24%
attitude 1.06%
smile 1.06%
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