1.   After a customer scans the goods and puts them on a conveyor belt, a laser checks the item and price.

2.   One of the latest ideas is a self-checkout system that allows customers to scan their own items and charge them to cards and depart.

3.   Self-scanners allow customers to scan their purchases as they shop, saving time at checkouts.

4.   The system allows customers to scan their own groceries and pay a cash machine that can provide change or accept a debit or credit card.

5.   When customers scan in a bar code, DigitalConvergence automatically plugs the right address into their Web browser.

6.   Wal-Mart also has some self-service checkout counters, enabling customers to scan and pay for merchandise themselves.

n. + scan >>共 154
eye 6.90%
camera 4.39%
machine 3.13%
computer 2.82%
program 2.51%
bone 2.19%
trader 2.19%
customer 1.88%
police 1.88%
worker 1.88%
customer + v. >>共 981
be 14.37%
have 5.05%
want 3.29%
buy 2.95%
pay 2.86%
get 2.61%
use 2.11%
include 1.93%
come 1.43%
say 1.35%
scan 0.07%
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