1.   And late last year customers apparently chose to work down inventories instead of placing new orders.

2.   Customers can choose from sixty hit titles before buying.

3.   And a customer must choose from shapes that are a geometry textbook come to life.

4.   Another group, largely in the Chinese community, is supporting a live-fish trend, in which the customer chooses his fish and then eats it whole.

5.   AOL said most customers have chosen the flat fee, although it declined to reveal specific numbers.

6.   As to styling, he said, they always recommend their customers choose looks as close as possible to their own.

7.   As of tomorrow, customers can choose whether to stay with Telekom or choose a competing telephone-service provider.

8.   At the same time, customers could elect to buy power instead from another supplier, as telephone customers can now choose long-distance service providers.

9.   Boeing will build the basic configuration of its business jet, and customers will choose a contractor to complete the interior.

10.   Both the Legislature and the Arizona Corporation Commission are working to restructure the electric industry and allow customers ultimately to choose their own electricity provider.

n. + choose >>共 971
people 4.55%
voter 4.32%
company 3.17%
government 2.68%
customer 2.04%
woman 1.86%
investor 1.69%
student 1.55%
parent 1.53%
consumer 1.51%
customer + v. >>共 981
be 14.37%
have 5.05%
want 3.29%
buy 2.95%
pay 2.86%
get 2.61%
use 2.11%
include 1.93%
come 1.43%
say 1.35%
choose 1.27%
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