1.   At the same time, the company has become one of the largest Internet service providers, offering its six million customers access to the World Wide Web.

2.   Bank One gave its customer access to the money on the next business day.

3.   A bill introduced this year would force Internet service providers in the United States to use filtering software or other means to block customer access to cyber casinos.

4.   A growing number of camera stores offer customers access to machines that allow them to make their own copies from negatives or prints.

5.   A kiosk linked to Staples.com gives a customer access to a much wider range of goods than can be stocked in a store.

6.   A new alliance with Salomon Bros. offers customers access to new public offerings.

7.   Day trading firms offer customers access to real time stock quotes, like professional traders on Wall Street see.

8.   Giga offered its customers access to lots of analysts with different specialties.

9.   High-tech telephone and Internet systems let customers access account information at any time.

10.   If all goes according to plan, the new devices would give technophobic customers access to the Internet without using a personal computer.

n. + access >>共 593
market 9.15%
inspector 3.89%
medium 2.85%
computer 2.05%
company 1.93%
road 1.81%
internet 1.81%
user 1.65%
people 1.41%
customer 1.36%
customer + n. >>共 577
service 21.16%
base 7.84%
complaint 3.44%
representative 3.19%
satisfaction 3.01%
demand 2.81%
loyalty 2.13%
support 1.79%
information 1.77%
order 1.72%
access 0.77%
每页显示:    共 34