1.   These people supposedly cherished cursor keys and took deep offense at their absence on Macintosh.

2.   This is placed between two staves and moved to wherever you want it by using the cursor keys.

3.   Use the cursor keys to select BASIC from the application list.

4.   If you have previously run BBCBASIC, you can return to it by using the cursor keys to select BASIC from the list of suspended activities in the index.

5.   Each instantiation will appear in the suspended activities list and you may use the cursor control keys to select the appropriate instantiation.

6.   Cursor keys will move an on- screen arrow to make selections.

7.   I maneuvered the boat by using the cursor keys while keeping an eye out for fish.

8.   Indeed the first Macintosh had such a fanatical commitment to the mouse that it did away with cursor keys on the keyboard.

9.   The handset has a QWERTY-style alphanumeric keyboard and directional cursor keys on one side, and a telephone and key pad on the other.

10.   The slightest movement of the cursor keys causes an instant response by the car.

n. + key >>共 207
car 25.96%
arrow 8.08%
house 5.03%
ignition 4.50%
room 3.97%
function 2.91%
encryption 2.78%
computer 2.38%
delete 1.99%
typewriter 1.46%
cursor 1.46%
cursor + n. >>共 26
key 18.64%
movement 13.56%
move 11.86%
arrow 8.47%
position 8.47%
control 3.39%
menu 3.39%
approach 1.69%
change 1.69%
controller 1.69%
每页显示:    共 11