1.   The treacherous currents have swept away three swimmers in the past year.

2.   As the crew lowered a life raft into the water, the current swept Ms. Bayer and Piazzaro under the pier between the ferry slips.

3.   Currents sweep the waste into deeper and even colder waters, where it disperses.

4.   Luckily, the current swept her to a support piling for a bridge, and she was able to grab ahold of it and scramble out of the river.

5.   Others may have been attacked by sharks or other sea animals, while still others were probably swept by currents to other areas.

6.   Should any equipment come loose, it is gone, as the current sweeps everything quickly away.

7.   The current swept the pitching iceberg toward the lines hanging from the next bridge.

8.   There are no ferries, no bridge, no lifeguard to bail you out should the murky brown current sweep you away.

9.   To understand the powerful current sweeping baseball toward radical realignment, answer this simple multiple-choice question.

10.   Treacherous ocean currents sweep along its shores -- particularly along the north side in winter, the south in summer.

n. + sweep >>共 620
fire 6.31%
storm 2.77%
wave 2.67%
wind 2.31%
water 2.05%
air 2.00%
police 1.95%
rain 1.95%
force 1.90%
rumor 1.80%
current 0.98%
current + v. >>共 194
be 14.47%
carry 5.04%
flow 4.61%
sweep 4.17%
associate 3.73%
push 3.29%
run 2.41%
make 1.97%
promote 1.75%
take 1.32%
每页显示:    共 19