1.   For the next four months all major currencies floated.

2.   And Brazil has done well since it was forced to let the currency float, as Serra wanted all along.

3.   Dornbusch added he expects the government to allow the currency to float before presidential elections are held next year.

4.   Global currency now floats around in cyberspace, blips on a screen.

5.   His answer is to let currencies float.

6.   If the rupiah is devalued, that could wipe out the competitive advantages Thailand and the Philippines gained when they let their currencies float free, she said.

7.   It may let the currency float freely soon after presidential elections, less than two months away, Cera said.

8.   Mexico is the one of the few countries in the region where its currency floats freely.

9.   Now that the currency is floating freely, the Slovene government is unwilling to intervene on foreign exchange markets, Kucan said.

10.   One reason for his optimism is that the decision to let their currencies float frees central bankers in the region to reduce interest rates to spur growth.

n. + float >>共 469
body 4.25%
currency 2.99%
peso 2.64%
ball 2.07%
balloon 1.61%
cloud 1.38%
boat 1.26%
administration 1.26%
baht 1.15%
astronaut 1.15%
currency + v. >>共 352
be 17.03%
make 6.26%
fall 4.99%
rise 4.06%
weaken 2.46%
continue 2.08%
remain 1.92%
plunge 1.82%
trade 1.60%
lose 1.53%
float 0.83%
每页显示:    共 26