1.   Among its problems, it spent most of its foreign reserves in an unsuccessful bid to prevent a currency devaluation.

2.   Analysts say their near-term outlook remains clouded by sluggish sales and currency devaluations in various Latin American, Asian and European nations.

3.   And nearly a year after the crisis began, Asian nations were on the verge of still more destructive currency devaluations.

4.   And with steep currency devaluations in countries like South Korea, American exports have been competing against cheaper goods, forcing depressed prices lower.

5.   Another big risk facing NetSat is the possibility of a currency devaluation in Brazil.

6.   ARGENTINE stocks posted their biggest one-day gain in almost three months, rebounding from recent losses as concerns Brazil would devalue its currency devaluation ebbed.

7.   Any backlash against the incumbent over a currency devaluation or a stiff IMF package probably will not last long.

8.   Asian economies have suffered stock price drops, currency devaluations and slowing growth during the past year.

9.   At the time, many analysts were worried that a weaker yen would cause a currency devaluation by China, aggravating an already troubling international economic crisis.

10.   Battered by currency devaluations, stock market crashes and failing banks, the Asian nations are not in a hurry to let in a lot of new competition.

n. + devaluation >>共 27
currency 58.15%
peso 17.54%
baht 6.77%
ruble 6.27%
yuan 2.76%
dollar 1.00%
year 1.00%
surprise 0.75%
weekend 0.75%
drachma 0.50%
currency + n. >>共 555
market 12.93%
crisis 8.36%
dealing 6.95%
trader 5.95%
fluctuation 3.43%
board 2.99%
devaluation 2.79%
turmoil 2.56%
union 2.21%
speculator 1.80%
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