1.   Anderson took over in the top of the fifth, drawing more curious spectators than any other pitcher.

2.   Executions were held in the middle of the night and behind closed doors in order to bar morbidly curious spectators.

3.   Once the scene was roped-off and reporters were moved far from the Capitol building, tourists became curious spectators of the chaotic scene outside.

4.   They would recognize that, aside from Mark McGwire, he probably leads the league in curious spectators drawn to the ticket window.

5.   Curious spectators lined barricades near the park to try to get a view.

6.   On Wednesday, thousands of curious spectators came to watch the building move.

7.   The fluid swing and made-for-TV pose after the ball takes flight quickly attracts a group of curious spectators, reporters and photographers.

8.   Hundreds of curious spectators gathered in front of the cemetery itself, but were kept back on the far side of the road by security personnel.

9.   Thousands of curious spectators had gathered in front of the cemetery itself, but were kept back on the far side of the road by security personnel.

a. + spectator >>共 299
olympic 3.77%
cheering 2.33%
popular 2.33%
male 2.33%
injured 2.15%
major 1.62%
curious 1.62%
mere 1.44%
the 1.44%
female 1.26%
curious + n. >>共 617
onlooker 4.70%
thing 4.25%
way 2.92%
child 1.84%
tourist 1.84%
mixture 1.52%
mix 1.33%
look 1.14%
twist 1.08%
visitor 1.08%
spectator 0.57%
每页显示:    共 9