1.   The culture wars are as violent as ever, and the right is on the offensive.

2.   Already the right wing is beating the drums of culture wars.

3.   And as the contemporary culture wars attest, Americans are still trying to figure it out.

4.   And each punch and counterpunch reawakens the unresolved culture war that episodically rends the fabric of Israeli society.

5.   And we can expect continued culture wars over biotechnology.

6.   Any Bush crusade wading into the culture wars carries a danger that he may offend as many people as he pleases.

7.   Any witness to the weekend would have to wonder how much truth there is to the culture wars that politicians evoke to pit Americans against each other.

8.   Are the culture wars still upon us?

9.   Arguing that the two-party system has done nothing but harm to the nuanced study of literature, she refuses to take sides in the culture wars.

10.   As a result, her SUV has driven straight into the center of the never-ending culture war that pits mothers in the workforce against mothers on the homefront.

n. + war >>共 590
guerrilla 13.12%
trade 11.57%
air 6.32%
drug 6.17%
turf 4.17%
gulf 3.48%
ground 2.99%
border 2.17%
culture 2.04%
propaganda 1.81%
culture + n. >>共 291
minister 18.80%
clash 12.93%
war 10.15%
ministry 6.52%
icon 1.82%
center 1.60%
dish 1.50%
vulture 1.18%
change 1.07%
gap 0.96%
每页显示:    共 94